Saturday, March 12, 2022


 3/12/22 - COHA- Cooper's Hawk

Almost missed this BRDL as well -- went through CORA, COPA, COSA, COGA, before landing on Cooper's Hawk (I figured it would be 'Common' something). 

Cooper's Hawks are accipiters - hawks with long tails and broad round wings. They are often confused and difficult to tell apart from Sharp-shinned hawks. Some of the differences are that sharp-shinned hawks have squared off tails, compared with Cooper's round tails. Cooper's Hawks are also generally bigger, and have a squared off head.

By Mykola Swarnyk - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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  3/12/22 -  COHA - Cooper's Hawk Almost missed this BRDL as well -- went through CORA, COPA, COSA, COGA, before landing on Cooper's...